Saturday, February 20, 2016

I need to step up my Check Point skills, so let's have a little look through the CLI (GAIA) today.

I have a VM running (as a Security Gateway and Systems Management Server), it will talk happily to my Windows VM, which is running the SmartDashboard (and everything else), but as I am on the MAC laptop, SSH is my only option...

So let's see what the CLI offers us, starting with a ?:
 key can be used to complete / fetch the keyword.
 key can be used to see possible command completions.
'?' key can be used to get help on feature / keyword.
UP/DOWN arrow keys can be used to browse thru command history.
LEFT/RIGHT arrow keys can be used to edit command.
'!!','!nn','!-nn' etc. are valid form of executing history cmd.

At more prompt, following keys can be used-
SPACE key to see the next page.
ENTER key to see the next line.
Q/q key to exit to the cli prompt.

Useful commands:
show interface 
set interface 
add user 
save config
show commands
show commands feature 
show configuration

OK, not a huge amount here, but some useful stuff nevertheless. We can check out some interfaces:
gw-8090bc> show interface 

eth0  lo
gw-8090bc> show interface eth0
state on
mac-addr 00:50:56:80:90:bc
type ethernet
link-state link up
mtu 1500
auto-negotiation on
speed 1000M
ipv6-autoconfig Not configured
duplex full
monitor-mode Not configured
link-speed Not configured
ipv6-address Not Configured
ipv6-local-link-address Not Configured

TX bytes:1121127782 packets:768761 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
RX bytes:51630307 packets:562656 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
I won't bother with any users for the moment, but remembering to save your work is very useful:
gw-8090bc> save config
We also have a number of show commands, and the command "show commands" lists everything. Too much to put here. But we can use the feature command to make the results a little more concise (apologies for the formatting):
gw-8090bc> show commands feature 

aaa            aggregate   allowed-client    arp          as      asset
auditlog       backup      backup-scheduled  backups      bgp     bonding
bootp          bridging    cd                clienv       clock   cloning-group
command        commands    config            config-lock  config-state       
configuration  core-dump   cron              database     date                
default-route  dhcp        dns               domainname   download edition             
expert-password expert-password-hash         extended     fcd      format            
ftp            group       groups            host         hostname igmp              
inactivity-timeout  install  installer       instance     interface      
interfaces      iphelper     ipv6            ipv6-state   kernel-routes  
local          logging       mail-notification            management         
max-path-splits               mcvr           message      mfc               
mroute         neighbor       neighbor-entry net-access   netflow   ntp          
ospf           password-controls  pbr        pim          ping      pppoe             
protocol-rank  proxy              rba        rdisc        restore   restore_policy    
rip            route          route-redistribution        routed    routedsyslog   
routemap       routemaps      router-id      router-options         scp            
selfpasswd     slot           snapshot       snapshots    snmp      start          
static-mroute  static-route   stop           sysenv       syslog    tacacs_enable  
tag            tftp           time           timezone     trace     tracefile      
transaction    uninstall      upgrade        uptime       user      users          
version        virtual-system volume         vpn          vrrp      vsx            
gw-8090bc> show commands feature users
show users
gw-8090bc> show commands feature version
show version all
show version os build
show version os edition
show version os kernel
show version product
gw-8090bc> show version product
Product version Check Point Gaia R77.20 
From here we can get the version information, but there is an alternative way to do this, using the "fw" command:
gw-8090bc> fw feature
fw ver [-h] ...                           # Display version
fw kill [-sig_no] procname                # Send signal to a daemon
fw putkey ...                             # Client server keys
fw sam ...                                # Control sam server
fw sam_policy ...                         # SAM policy editor
fw fetch targets                          # Fetch last policy
fw amw fetch                              # Fetch Anti-Bot & Anti-Virus policy
fw tab [-h] ...                           # Kernel tables content
fw monitor [-h] ...                       # Monitor VPN-1/FW-1 traffic
fw ctl [args]                             # Control kernel
fw lichosts                               # Display protected hosts
fw log [-h] ...                           # Display logs
fw logswitch [-h target] [+|-][oldlog]    # Create a new log file;
                                          # the old log is moved
fw repairlog ...                          # Log index recreation
fw mergefiles ...                         # log files merger 
fw lslogs ...                             # Remote machine log file list
fw fetchlogs ...                          # Fetch logs from a remote host
fw light                                  # fw light supported commands

gw-8090bc> fw ver
This is Check Point's software version R77.20 - Build 221
We can also see what policies are in use (which was configured via the GUI:
gw-8090bc> fw stat
HOST      POLICY     DATE            
localhost Standard   18Feb2016 17:18:10 :  [>eth0] [<eth0]
The configuration looks very different to Cisco's IOS. Instead of an indented hierarchical structure, we have a series of "set" commands, and we do not seem to be able to use a pipe and include directive, nor can we grep the results. Instead we need to narrow down conforming to the commands:
gw-8090bc> show configuration static
CLINFR0329  Invalid command:'show configuration static'.
gw-8090bc> show configuration static-route
set static-route default nexthop gateway address on
It's possibly not as intuitive (initially) moving from IOS to GAIA, but I am sure with a couple of weeks practice, it will start to make sense. So, let's jump in at the deep-end and see if we can configure OSPF, mostly by using the tab key to show the options:
gw-8090bc> set ospf 
area                    - Area
default-ase-cost        - Default ASE Cost
default-ase-type        - Default ASE Type
export-routemap         - Routemap for Export Policy
graceful-restart-helper - Graceful_restart_helper
import-routemap         - Routemap for Import Policy
interface               - Interface
rfc1583-compatibility   - RFC1583 Compatible Mode
spf-delay               - SPF Delay
spf-holdtime            - SPF Holdtime
gw-8090bc> set ospf area backbone on
gw-8090bc> set ospf area 100      
nssa         - Not-So-Stubby Area
off          - Off
on           - On
range        - Address Range
stub         - Stub
stub-network - Stub Network
virtual-link - Virtual Link
gw-8090bc> set ospf area 100 on
gw-8090bc> set ospf interface        

eth0  lo
gw-8090bc> set ospf interface eth0 
area                - Area
authtype            - Authentication Type
cost                - Cost
dead-interval       - Dead Interval
hello-interval      - Hello Interval
passive             - Passive Mode
priority            - Priority
retransmit-interval - Retransmit Interval
virtual-address     - Virtual Address
gw-8090bc> set ospf interface eth0 area 0
RTGRTG0019  Incomplete command.
gw-8090bc> set ospf interface eth0 area 0 
off - Off
on  - On
gw-8090bc> set ospf interface eth0 area 0 on
RTGRTG0019  OSPF: Area value must be an IPv4 address or between 1 and 4294967295 or backbone
gw-8090bc> set ospf interface eth0 area backbone on
Looks OK so far (but I only have one device running at the moment, so cannot really test. We can confirm the commands:
gw-8090bc> show configuration ospf
set ospf area backbone on
set ospf interface eth0 area backbone on
set ospf interface eth0 priority 1
set ospf area 100 on
Can we dig in any further? Sure!
gw-8090bc> show ospf 
border-routers - Border Routers
database       - Database
errors         - Errors
events         - Events
interface      - Interface
interfaces     - All Interfaces
neighbor       - Neighbor
neighbors      - All Neighbors
packets        - Packets
routemap       - ospf Routemap
summary        - Summary
gw-8090bc> show ospf interface
CLINFR0349  Incomplete command.
gw-8090bc> show ospf interface eth0

Name  IP Address    Area ID  State  NC  DR Interface  BDR Interface  Errors  
eth0  DR     0        0  

gw-8090bc> show ospf summary       

OSPF Router with ID  Instance  default  

SPF schedule delay: 2 secs
Hold time between two SPFs: 5 secs
Number of Areas in this router: 1
    Normal: 1      Stub: 0      NSSA: 0
RFC1583 compability mode is on
Number of Virtual Links in this router: 0
Number of UpEvents: 1  Number of DownEvents: 0
Default ASE Cost: 1
Default ASE Type: 1


    Number of Interfaces in this area:  1
    Number of ABRs: 0      Number of ASBRs:  0
    Number of times SPF Algorithm executed: 2
    No Area Ranges Configured
    No Area Stubnets Configured

So far so good. But we'll find out if this actually works once we set up another router to talk to it. We'll tackle that tomorrow!

Hope you have enjoyed this little taster of GAIA, more to come soon!
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